Now that I’ve got your attention….some people are curious as to why, in retirement, I would create an apologetic website. There are two reasons:
1…apologetics has always been near and dear to my heart. I really believe in 1st Peter 3:15…to provide a rational, credible answer to everyone who asks.
2…because today’s believers have drifted from the basic truths of Christianity.
A survey of evangelicals conducted by LifeWay Research ( found the following;
– 70% believe that Jesus was God’s first creation. This is nothing more than the Arian heresy, a belief condemned by the church’s first Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. by a vote of 318-2.
– 64% say everyone eventually goes to heaven, but 50% of those also say only believers in Jesus go to heaven. A confusing answer to say the least.
– 56% believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine force but not a personal being.
– 28% believe the Holy Spirit is not equal to God the Father or Jesus.
– 48% said that God accepts the worship of all religions including Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
– 37% agree with the prosperity gospel.
These results are of evangelical believers as defined by the National Association of Evangelicals. These results are similar to the average American person’s belief. If these poll numbers are correct, this is a shocking state of affairs for the Christian church.
To make my teachings, which were done under the guidance of two area pastors, available to anyone, especially to a teacher who doesn’t want to or have time to “reinvent the wheel”, I have listed 9 very unique classes (like How to Read the Bible, How We Got the Bible, How Christianity Changed the World, etc.) that have all a person would need teach these classes. There are teacher and student notes, handouts, powerpoint presentations, church bulletin ads and videos available for use.
I have also done 8 other classes (like Prove To Me that God Exists, Was Our Universe Designed for Human Life, etc.) that only have teacher notes for them.
On my website, I also have an FAQ (frequently asked questions) section that answers questions like “Who made God?” and “Jesus never claimed to be God”. There’s also a blog section where I talk about a variety of subjects. The “Fun Stuff” keeps things light-hearted with clean one-liner jokes. Proverbs 17:22 says that laughter is the best medicine. It also has quotes from famous people about the bible, Jesus, etc. and other stuff.
Please feel free to use any and all of this material. There is no charge for any of it. May God bless your efforts as you grow in Him.
For His Kingdom,
Dave Maynard