Gender used to be synonymous with sex but it isn’t anymore. Click on this to see the definitions of gender terms,–sexualities-and-their-definitions.html.
The bible, however, only lists two #genders, male and female (Genesis 1:27…”male and female, He created them”). The “fall” in Genesis 3 happened and humans and the earth were not the same anymore. Sin entered the world, so it shouldn’t surprise us that sin has affected our feelings about our #biological sex. It has also affected our desires. But since man was made for woman, all other arrangements are sinful. So, we shouldn’t give in to our “feelings” or “desires” because the heart can be deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9). At the end of time, when we are resurrected, our spirit will be reunited with our physical body, which is either male or female. To say that you are a woman trapped in a man’s body (or vice versa) is to deny the way God made you.
While we don’t completely understand the causes of #transgenderism, biblically speaking, it still remains a sin. Our recent culture wants us to treat it as normal or an #alternate lifestyle but we must treat it as sinful.
The Christian response must be two-fold;
1…we need to treat #transgendered people as Jesus would. Romans 5:8 says that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly. So, we need to treat them with love and respect while not agreeing with their sin.
2…we need to encourage them to seek a good, godly, #Christian counselor. They need to realize that they need help to re-orient themselves to line up with the way God made them. And He made them physically male or female.
A transgendered person needs a relationship with God. Only He can heal them supernaturally or over time. However God heals them, we need to support and respect them as people that Jesus died for while they are on their way to being healed.
See our larger article on transgenderism at
Only God can ultimately heal them. We should pray that they seek His guidance.
“God and the Transgender Debate” by Andrew Walker
“Affirming God’s Image” by J. Alan Branch
For the sake of His Wonderful Name,
Dave Maynard