As you stay in your home this week, because of the corona virus, use this time wisely. While you have some relief from the daily pressures and the to-do’s of life, think about some things that you normally wouldn’t think about. You know, the big things, like:
-what is the purpose of your life?
-why are you here on this earth?
-when your life is over, what would you want people to say about you at your funeral?
Many times we get caught up in the little things of life and we don’t spend enough time thinking about the big things, like;
-what has God made me for?
-what gifts has He given me?
-how am I using them?
Do you get so caught up in the minutia of life that you fail to see the direction you’re headed in or the destination you’re headed for?
-what is your “one big thing”?
-what do you spend most of your non-working time doing?
-are you spending more time on your hobbies than your purpose in life?
Hobbies are a good and necessary break from your “have-to’s” in life, but they can crowd out what God created us for. They can become as addictive as a drug can be.
When I had cancer 6 years ago, God told me that He was going to heal me. At 65 years of age, I thought that He still must have things for me to do. I earnestly sought what those things were. I eventually wrote them down in “A Life Made to Count” entry that I put on my website at
Ephesians 5:15-17 says, “Be very careful then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity…”
So at the end of your life, you will hear Jesus say, “Well done, good and faithful servant…”
For His Kingdom,
Dave Maynard