How do you know when God is #speaking to you or when you’re hearing from Him?
Here are several ways #God speaks to us…
- Thru circumstances…Romans 8:28 & Proverbs 16:9 Many times God answers us thru circumstances even before we can make a conscious decision.,
- Thru His still, small voice…Psalm 46:10, 1st Kings 19:11-13 & Isaiah 30:21
It’s in stillness that we hear God’s voice, not in busyness. Do you set aside time in the day to ‘be still’ before the Lord? The more you practice being in the presence of God, the easier it will be to hear from Him. - Thru other people…Proverbs 11:14 & 15:22 Do you have mature, trusted believers that you know and can turn to for advice?
- Thru your spouse…Proverbs 31:10-12 & Ephesians 5:22,23 Your spouse knows and loves you like no one else in this world. They are your most valued asset.
- Thru biblical meditation…Psalms 119:105, Hebrews 4:12 & 2nd Timothy 3:16 Are you reading your bible regularly? It’s amazing how God will speak to you thru His word. Sometimes it will be a direct word but other times, you will have an indirect sense or peace with what you should do.
- Thru overall impressions & common sense…Acts 15:27,28 Common sense is good because it’s common and sensible. Many times our overall impressions are instinctual and are there for our protection. The common expression, “If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is” is one such impression.
- Thru dreams & visions…Acts 2:16,17 Be careful with this one as dreams can also come from sources other than God.
#Maturity is getting to know which one (or few) to choose in a particular situation. Only doing these things over time will help you to listen to God more carefully and accurately. Sometimes you’ll blow it but the more you practice it, the more you’ll get it and the closer to God you’ll become. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and don’t be afraid to be corrected by those mistakes (Job 5:17). If you’re earnestly seeking God’s direction, your mistakes will not be irreparable.
With you on the journey,
Dave Maynard