Transgenderism and the Christian response:
Matthew 28:19 says to make disciples of all nations. The church’s mission to the transgendered person should be the same as to any person. Evangelism that leads to repentance of sin and faith in Jesus Christ. Then discipleship that teaches converts to obey the commands of the bible in ever-increasing measure.
Does transgenderism present unique challenges to the church? You bet it does! I don’t know if there’s any one way to do this. It may very well depend on the individual. Here are some broad guidelines, though;
1) rightly critique society’s warped understanding and immoral practices when it comes to sex.
2) acknowledge and repent of unloving words and deeds that are spoken or done to transgendered people. They have experienced condemnation from the world. They don’t need to experience from Christians.
3) be accepting and show hospitality to transgendered people where they’re at without compromising biblical standards. Remember, Christ died for us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8). They don’t have to clean up their act and then come to Christ. They need to come to Christ and He’ll help them to become more Christ-like.
4) patience – this is true for all sinners. As transgendered people come to Christ and are discipled, it will take them time to overcome old, sinful habits. A pastoral response to them must be patient, encouraging, correcting and forgiving of them all along the way (Romans 2:4).
Our response should be modeled on the love of Jesus Christ, who offered living water to the woman at the well so that she would never thirst again (John 4:14). He confronted her sin with compassionate firmness (John 4:16-18).