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Setting Forth Positive Reasons for Christianity. What is Apologetics?

June 4, 2010

Without reservation, I recommend Dave Maynard to you for the purpose of providing Christian Education teaching and training. I have known Dave Maynard for 5 years. He wholeheartedly serves Christ as a man of integrity and authenticity.

Dave teaches classes for our congregation. I know very few other Christians that take seriously Paul’s encouragement in 2nd Timothy 2:15 to “correctly handle the word of God.” He studies and enjoys it. He carries that passion into his classes and passes it along to the participants in the classes. Dave sees the classroom as an opportunity to develop disciples more than just deliver material. His passion encourages participants and gives them the confidence to learn and to grow.

Dave Maynard hopes to come alongside churches and disciples to assist them in developing a passion and confidence for learning God’s Word.

Former Senior Associate Pastor
JaxNaz Church

Joe Weinberg and Dave Maynard have a passion for truth. Whether it is by Dave’s immersion in Christian Apologetics or Joe’s highly relational style of instruction, these men have been used by God to help people dig deeper and go farther in their faith. I have watched people grow as a result of the investment of these men as they carefully and faithfully handle ‘the word of truth’ (2nd Timothy 2:15).

Former Senior Pastor
JaxNaz Church

Hello Dave,

I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the class about Heaven and Hell.  Even though I have been a Christian since 1983, I thought about things in a different light.  It was a challenge to put our preconceived ideas about heaven and hell aside and to think outside the box.

Even though we were encouraged to exercise our right of free will; we were also to ponder verbally the great secrets that will be revealed when we get to heaven.  Some of the class believed in a literal burning hell while others preferred to think of hell as being separated from God.

Despite differing opinions about what Heaven and Hell are really like; you always accepted our reasoning of why we believed what we believe   You created an open environment so that not only the least seasoned Christian and senior saints felt comfortable asking and answering questions.

I do hope to be able to attend more classes in the future.

Thank you for all your efforts.

– Arlene

Oh my gosh, are you kidding me?  Where do I possibly start???

I had only been coming to First Church a month or so when Dave’s Tough Questions class was offered.  After taking my first class with you Dave, I walked out of the very first class and said to myself, “there really IS a God!”  That class was so powerful to me!  I’d had a long standing question explained to me in mathematical and logical terms – in a language I could understand that gave me peace so deep down into my soul.  I finally could almost put into words why I had always felt there was a God but couldn’t verbally support my feelings.  Every class that followed, I had to take as I was starving for more information.  Questions I had always been bothered by were finally being answered.

Jody even said after his first class, “why have I never heard this stuff before?”

Both you and Joe are wonderful teachers; very different, but both do a phenomenal job of explaining the topics being presented.  You both are also so well prepared to answer the sometimes very strange and deep questions that come up in class.

I think you get my meaning.  I love you guys!  You are the best!  Feel free to change up or rewrite any of my poorly worded responses to make them easier to understand or to show you both in an even better light.

I can’t wait for the classes to start again!  I miss them terribly!!

– Amy and Jody

Dave Maynard really knows his stuff! His classes give me so much to think about.

– Ann

Joe and Dave provide an open environment for the class discussion topics
which I enjoy. It is clear that they are passionate about teaching and I
appreciate their heart and all the work that they do to research and
prepare for the class

– Chuck

To Whom It May Concern:

Having Dave Maynard or Joe Weinberg is an exhilarating experience.  Both are knowledgeable, quality teachers, and interact well with all students.  These are professional educators who “bring the Word” in a manner that is useful to any student/Christian regardless of your personal history.  With either of these men as your teacher you are in for a treat–one you will not want to miss.

– Dave

The classes that are taught by Joe and Dave help to increase a Christian’s knowledge of the Word and help with continuing their walk. They offer the classes in a way that is easy to understand in today’s busy society. They take the class seriously and care about each person in the class and helping them to understand the material and grow in their Christian walk.

– Joann

Dave and Joe are both excellent instructors, their Biblical knowledge and ability to explain difficult topics makes these classes interesting and the information they share will help you mature in your Christian walk.

have a blessed day

– Donna

Dave is a very knowledgeable instructor and is fun listening to. He knows the Bible well! The information shared inspires one to want more. I look forward to future classes taught by him.

– Mike

Awesome instructor! Very knowledgeable! Very interesting material. Dave is exciting to listen to. His passion for studying and understanding all aspects of this shines thru in his delivery. He is inspiring!

– Ron

“How We Got the Bible” was a very interesting 4 week class that was presented in a fashion that was easy to understand. I learned a lot because the hand-outs were informational, but required me to fill in some blanks which kept me involved. Dave welcomed questions at all steps of the way. The material was well organized and supported by examples and he always quoted scripture. I highly recommend this instructor.

– Connie