The Real Christmas Story – 4-2


So, why the big deal about Jesus?  Let’s review some facts….

  1. Gen 2:4-9, 15-25….note v16..’the tree of life’
  2. Gen 3:6-24….note v22..’the tree of life’….also, note v15..the 1st promise of a savior..the word ‘offspring’ is the word ‘seed’. God doesn’t say the seed of a man & a woman, but only the seed of a woman (the virgin birth?)….this seed is Jesus..Gal. 3:16.


Genesis is ‘paradise lost’…..but Revelation is ‘paradise regained’.

You know how Stars Wars was really about the redemption of Anakin Skywalker…..the Bible is about the redemption of us, the human race (Ephesians 1:7).  It’s also the story of our redeemer – Jesus and about how God redeemed us.

Rev 21:1-7   22:1,2,13,14,16,17….note v2,14 the tree of life.


So, what do we do in the meantime….

  1. Hebrews 12:2
  2. Phil 2:5-11
  3. Romans 5:1,6,8 13:11-14
  4. 1Cor 15:2-4
  5. 1John 5:11-13
  6. Acts 4:12 13:47,49, 52…..Christianity is ‘personal’ but not ‘private’….people need to hear about Jesus.
  7. We await His 2nd Coming…Titus 2:11-14, note v13

Christmas is celebrating the birth of our Redeemer.  This Christmas, let’s celebrate Jesus!

The Magi said…’we have seen His star and have come to worship Him’….

We can say,  ‘we have seen His effect on our lives and we want to worship Him’.

Christmas is not just some nice celebration, but the start of a radical new Kingdom. Christmas reminds us that we need to follow King Jesus into His Kingdom, which will eventually merge into the eternal Kingdom….paradise restored!