The 2nd Coming of Jesus – Millennialism


     There are 3 different types of millennialism. They are:

Pre-millennialism…this type believes that the 2nd Coming of Jesus will happen before the millennium. That when Jesus returns, He will then set up His Kingdom.

Post-millennialism…this type believes that the 2nd Coming of Jesus will happen at the end of the millennium.

Amillennialism…this type believes that the 2nd Coming of Jesus will happen after the millennium. But that the millennium will be a spiritual, symbolic one and probably not 1,000 years in length.

Pre-millennialism can be further divided into:
dispensational premillennialism…these people believe that the rapture and the 2nd Coming are 2 separate events with the rapture happening before the 7 year tribulation starts (pre-tribulational) or during the tribulation (mid-tribulational) and the 2nd Coming happening after the 7 year tribulation period.
historic premillennialism…these people believe that the rapture and 2nd Coming are the same event and will happen at the end of the 7 year tribulation period.

     These graphs illustrate the pre, mid & post tribulation views…

                                                                                                                            Pre-Tribulational view;

  Mid-Tribulational view;

Post-Tribulational view;

These types of graphs help to illustrate these different viewpoints: