Pakistani Update 9, 12/8/21:
Here’s an update on our Pakistani pastor, Sajid Azeem (12/8/21)…
Recently, Sajid gave a Dave’s School of Apologetics (DSAI) seminar to a group of Pakistanis. After the seminar he and his wife, Sidra, were walking to a transportation center at night on a deserted road when they were attacked by a group of 7 Muslim men who were laying in-wait for him. They knew exactly when to attack him. While they didn’t harm Sidra, they beat up Sajid pretty bad. They also wrecked his laptop. His left leg was severely damaged. It may require surgery to repair the swollen veins. He has to use a walker to get around.
He had to buy a new laptop. Fortunately, all his computer work and contacts were salvageable. He and Sidra are taking precautions to be escorted in the future to and from their meetings. When I asked him how he was doing, he said he felt worthy to suffer for Jesus’ sake.
The next weekend, he gave a DSAI seminar to 250 people, in which 50 people accepted the Lord. The weekend after that, they showed the Jesus film to several hundred Hindu Pakistani’s who cannot read or write and are very poor. 35 of them accepted Jesus and were baptized. It’s a big deal to be baptized in Pakistan as it’s illegal to convert a Pakistani.
Sajid, Sidra, Patti and I are convinced that Satan knew something was up, so he decided to strike Sajid early to stave 0ff any effects Sajid’s ministry might have. It didn’t work!
Sajid went forward with his ministry and now 85 new people are in God’s kingdom because of it.
I have attached a picture of Sajid praying for a woman with his hand on her head. For the last 8 years, she has been demon-possessed. Her family didn’t know what to do with her crazy behavior. They asked Allah to heal her. They asked several of the Hindu deities to heal her. Nothing worked. They heard about this Christian gathering, so they brought
her to it. Everytime Sajid mentioned the name of God or Jesus, she cried out. Sajid went and prayed over her and delivered her from Satan’s clutches. As a result of this, she and her whole family became believers in Jesus. What none of the other false gods could do, Jesus did. Thank you, Lord, for you are moving mightily in Pakistan.