Pakistani Update 1                                     

I would like to introduce you to “Dave’s School of Apologetics International” (DSAI). I’m sure you receive many introductory letters from worthwhile charities. I realize that you cannot donate to all of them. May God richly bless you when you donate to any Christian charity.

I would like to tell you about our group – and I’ll be brief as I know your time is very valuable. I’m Dave Maynard and I started my website ( when I retired in 2015. I taught adult education as a volunteer at two local area churches for over 20 years. At the urging of several of my students, I put my classes online. All of my classes are my original material that were overseen by my church pastors. Eight months ago, something happened that I never expected: a Pakistani pastor found my website, loved it, and requested permission to translate my material into Urdo, the official Pakistani language. Since then, he has taught 3 of my classes to about 1,000 Pakistanis. The results have been incredible. Pakistan is 98% Muslim. Pakistani Christians have very little biblical teaching material in their own language. Sajid Azeem, our Pakistani pastor, has said my teachings have changed people’s lives. Not only have people accepted Christ as their Savior, their3 classes have strengthened and revitalized the faith of these Pakistani believers.


Sajid translates my classes into the Pakistani language, prints off the teacher/student notes into a 20-30 page spiral notebook (as shown on the previous page) and gives it away for free to anyone who takes the class/seminar. We spend about 7 US dollars on each notebook. The students are provided with light refreshments, a pen, and the notebook for free as Pakistan is a 3rd world country and most of the people are very poor.

One of our ongoing classes is for women working at a brick factory. The brick factory owners insist these women rent houses from them at exorbitant prices. These “houses” are without heat, running water and toilet facilities. These women are treated like slaves. Our classes are food for their hungry souls and have brought them hope. They realize Jesus is real and have dedicated their lives to Him. Jesus has given them a freedom they had never known before.

Jesus said, “Feed my sheep” (John 21:17). DSAI is feeding these poor Pakistanis the Word of God and their lives are being changed because of it. We are being so effective that Sajid has received death threats from radical Islamists.

This ministry is exploding in Pakistan. Up to now, we (my wife Patti and I) and Sajid have been funding this ministry from our own savings. But it’s getting to the point where we cannot keep up with this financial demand. If you feel so lead, please join us in this ministry. You can see our mission and vision statements at
100% of your donation goes directly to Pakistan. Donate at  DSAI is a 501©3 organization, so your gifts are tax deductible. Financial records are available upon request so you can see where and what your money is going for. Any donation amount would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.

May God richly bless you,
Dave Maynard